Auto Táxis Leonor & Cristina, Lda.

Taxi Service in Santarém, Almeirim, Chamusca and Golegã (Portugal)

Auto Taxis Leonor & Cristina, Lda. is a taxi company based in Santarém (Portugal) that provides taxi service in the counties of Santarém, Almeirim, Chamusca and Golegã (Portugal).

Active since 2001, it is known for its competence and seriousness towards its clients.

The company is formed by qualified professionals, dynamic and fluent in English, French and Spanish.

We have 5, 7 and 9 seat taxi cabs, which allow you to carry up to 4, 6 or 8 passengers respectively.

We are at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

Quality, Safety and Friendliness are the reasons to travel with us.

Thank you for your preference!

Taxis with 9 seats (up to 8 passengers). It is ideal for large families or groups up to 8 passengers and with lots of luggage.

Auto Táxis Leonor & Cristina, Lda.

Taxis with 5 seats (up to 4 passengers). Ideal for customers with a lot of luggage but who do not give up a top-of-the-range, safe and comfortable vehicle.

We carry out the following taxi services::

In order to simplify our customers' daily routine, all our vehicles are equipped with payment terminals, accepting all debit cards and most credit cards in the market. We also accept payments by MB Way, Bank Transfer, PayPal and Cash .

The billing is fully electronic and certified by the Tax Authority, and our customers can choose to bill the invoice issued by our billing terminals on time or download the same document in A4 format on any computer, tablet or smartphone.